Titch Returns For A Second Season In Net


Edinburgh Capitals are delighted to announce the signing of returning netminder Ciaran Hoggan for the 2024-25 SNL campaign.

‘Titch’ became a firm fan favourite last season in what was his first term with the club. Along with Craig Chalmers, both shared the goalie duties throughout the season with each of them capable of doing the job on any given night. They will again fight it out as the netminding duo striving to get the nod each week from Coach Steven Lynch.

The 26-year-old stopper began his career playing junior hockey in Dundee. He would progress through the age groups and represented Scotland on several occasions at various levels. In season 2013-14, Titch would be involved in the Stars Elite League team and dressed as backup at a point through that season. Incidentally, Craig Chalmers was the other backup goalie at that time with the club.

For the next 9 years, Titch would be icing in the SNL with 4 different clubs – Dundee Tigers, Dundee Comets, Aberdeen Lynx, and Kirkcaldy Kestrels. During the 2022-23 season whilst at the Kestrels he would pull on the Fife Flyers jersey and dress as backup at one stage due to injuries to the Elite League goalies.

Titch arrived at the Capitals in the summer of 2023-24. He instantly fitted into the locker room with the team and as all you Caps fans will know he is a bit of a character both on and off the ice and is known for his dancing on the ice.

We chatted with him asking him about his return for season two as a Cap. “It’s great to be back for another season with the Caps.

It was an enjoyable time last year and it was nice to come away with two trophies. We as a club want to build on this and come next April we hope to have more silverware in the bag.

I can’t wait to get out there in front of the amazing fans once again and hopefully give you all something to cheer about by the end of the season.”

Head Coach Steven Lynch knows it’s vital to have two top goalies on the roster once again. “Ciaran was a solid addition to our roster last year and we’re delighted that he is returning for another year.

He has said that last season was probably his most enjoyable in senior hockey to date and it showed in his performances.

He formed a very good partnership with Craig Chalmers where they both drove each other on by competing for the number 1 spot. They both did it by encouraging each other along the way which is only a good thing for us as a club and we look for both to do the same again this year with the same positive result.

Ciaran has been a good fit within our group both on and off the ice and we welcome him back for another year.”

In the coming days and weeks we will be announcing more signings. Stay tuned!!!